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9/11 Ten Years Later…

(Drawing by our son Matthew for his granddad who served in our American military for 35 years)

Today marks the tenth anniversary of the terrible events that occurred in America on September 11, 2001. It was a day that changed life in America, or so it should have. It should have made us to live more soberly and more vigilantly. It should have reminded us of the Truth that we are not promised tomorrow ourselves, nor are we promised to have our loved ones within a phone call's reach. It should have brought us to the realization that those in various occupations give their all for countless people they do not even know personally. It should have drawn us to the point – the bottom line – straight talk – our safety is of the LORD. A few thoughts I have… ten years later.

Ten years later, I am still doing laundry as I was that fateful day.

Ten years later, my mother-in-law and I do not share a home anymore. I only had five more years to share with her on a daily basis before we moved out-of-state.

Ten years later, two of my grandparents no longer are accessible on earth; they live in Heaven, now. [TODAY is also "GRANDPARENTS DAY."]

Ten years later, four people have been added to our family.

Ten years later, I am more aware of the urgency of the hour. America is not as free as she once was. True Americans live with a cautious eye as to protect those we love as well as the land we love.

Ten years later, I see Old Glory as even more beautiful than in 2000. I am still moved when I hear "The Star Spangled Banner" played. My hand still goes over my heart.

Ten years later, I still wear red, white and blue!

Ten years later, I LOVE AMERICA!

Ten years later, I still freely gather with Bible believers to worship God and hear his Word preached.

Ten years later, the Bible is still true.

Ten years later, GOD IS STILL GOD! He never changes!

Ten years later, am I spending my life for those I love? for those I don't even know personally?

Ten years later, I am thankful for the servants of our great country as well as the servants of the Lord who are also fighting for us in spiritual realms.

Though life in America changed forever on that dreadful day, some things will never change. May we endeavor to bless those we love while we have them, and may we serve our never changing God as if this were our last day on earth.

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