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A Song of Lovely Things

As a writer or songwriter, it is a form of worship to write and/or sing a song to the One Who created the language of words and the language of music. When the words are no where to be found and the music won't play, there is a restless spirit which concerns the soul desirous to offer back to God His gifts.

Amy Carmichael well explains this dilemma of the heart in her little book His Thoughts Said... His Father Said. The book relays different thoughts that children of God have as believers, and it offers perspective of how the Heavenly Father may respond to help us answer our thoughts.

"For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." - Isaiah 55:9 KJV

"The son greatly wished to make a Song of Lovely Things to sing to his Beloved, but he could not find singing-words. Then he heard a Voice saying, Thou art walking in the road where all my lovers walked, and some of them walked singing. They have left their songs behind them. Find them. Sing them. They will be thine to Me."
"But the lover was grieved, because he found no words, neither his own nor of others; and yet his mind did truly desire to ascend. While feeling so, he read, On Thee praise waiteth all hushed, O God, in Zion; and He Who is Love Eternal said, I will be silent in My love. And he entered into Silence and met Love Eternal there."
"After a while, there was a sound of gentle stillness, and it said, Thy silence is to Me a Song of Lovely Things."
- Amy Carmichael | His Thoughts Said... His Father Said

This excerpt clearly speaks to me as I have experienced this wordless / songless occasion many times. If God created you with interest or gifts in words and songs, they become part of you in how you express yourself to God and others.

Yes, there are books and songs that others have written. Yes, I can sing their songs to praise my Maker. Yet, I want to give Him part of me - my words and my songs.

Sometimes, the difficulties of life may steal those words and concentration to craft them. Yet, even when all is well, my heart can draw a blank as my hands rest silently on the piano keys. Inspiration comes from both the hard days, not just the bright ones, so why are there these seemingly wasted moments of silent space?

Moments in the presence of God are never unfruitful though they are not the glowing piece of art we wish to offer to our Lord. Being silent before Him at the piano or holding my pen still causes me to hear His Voice saying, "I love you, Daughter, and being with you is lovely."

If my words and my songs are my ultimate goal, I have missed my highest Prize - the One Who is altogether Lovely. Silence with Him reminds me of His love for me, and in His time, He will give me more words and more songs.

Today, I will share someone else's song with you that has encouraged me in the songless seasons. Growing up, I heard my mother play this song on the piano at home, and my parents also sang it at church. It was written by Charles Weigle.

"I Have Found A Hiding Place"

I have found a hiding place when sore distressed,

Jesus, Rock of Ages, strong and true;

In a weary land I in His shadow rest,

He is my strength in all that I do.

Jesus, Rock of Ages let me hid in Thee,

Jesus, Rose of Sharon, sweet Thou art to me;

Lily of the Valley, Bright and Morning Star,

Fairest of ten thousand to my soul.

I have found the sweetest flower that ever grew,

Jesus, Rose of Sharon fair and pure;

He's my joy and comfort blessed Friend so true,

He blooms within my heart evermore.

I have found a lovely Star that shines on high,

Jesus, Bright and Morning Star to me;

In the night of sorrow He is ever nigh

He drives the darkest shadows away.

I'm so thankful God loves me in the silence as much as He loves me in the singing. ♥️


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