"And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ." -Acts 5:42 KJV
"Daily" is the theme word this year at our church, and Acts 5:42 is the Scripture chosen to meditate on and, hopefully, live out this year.
The word daily leads my mind to the word discipline. When we decide to establish a new habit, most likely we will plan to do something toward whatever the resolution is every day. It has been said that it takes 21 days to establish a new habit, yet it has also been said it takes 90 days. Whichever number is correct, the principle is still present that successful habits require choices to change along with resolve and rhythmic practices of said habits.
As a believer, my life should be teaching and preaching Jesus Christ everyday whether I'm at my house or at the church.
I am a part time teacher vocationally, but I do not teach Bible classes daily at the church. I am not a preacher behind a pulpit, and never will be. How can I follow the example of these believers in Acts 5 - daily teaching and preaching Jesus Christ?
Every person is a teacher whether he or she chooses to be or not. Every life preaches sermons - daily. If I want my life to be a witness for Jesus, my life should have a steady intake of His Words and daily conversation with Him.
If I never studied the courses I teach, I would be one of those teachers who shouldn't be one. If I "preach" a certain belief on Sunday only and live a different one on weekdays, my "preaching" will push others away. If my teaching and preaching is dependent on what other think of me, my message will flounder as the wind blows. If my message comes freshly and directly from it's Source - Jesus, my message will be firm and able to be received.
Daily spiritual disciplines are essential to incorporate habits which make us more like Him. Here is a list of some personal habits to consider beginning or continuing:
Scripture reading
Scripture study
Scripture meditation
Scripture memorization
What one thing could you change daily that would help you teach and preach Jesus Christ through your life?
I've written a catchy tune to help us memorize Acts 5:42. There are three digital downloads of the sheet music available at the links below as well as a piano video to hear the tune.
Daily grateful,
Jeri Lynn