Five days until my girl begins her life with her husband! I pray her wedding day celebration is just the beginning of being a beautiful, beloved bride for life. Her bridegroom knows the Lord, has shown he loves her. As they join as one, she will still have our love for always and our prayers for God’s love to be the foundation of their home. May the Lord be their guide for their journey, and may the Lord be glorified through their union.
I’m happy for my girl to get this guy, and I know this guy is getting a gem!
With all the details of this ordained occasion, with loved ones traveling in, with normal work unstopped… my heart is full with yet another gamut of emotions. The Lord is my stay.
When I focus on the above facts of God bringing these two wonderful people together as He designed, my heart is confidently joyful! The long distance is not my favorite thing since my girl has been a homebody, adding grace whenever she is home. I will miss her calm confidence, her gentle piano playing, her random baking moments, her laughing with her brothers, her helping as church secretary, and more. As a writer, my words are jumbled, but I must put some down lest my heart burst at an untimely moment.
She will have his family close by. They love her, and she loves them. This is comforting as her mother.
My Mom has worked, planned, and come here early to help so much with the wedding. Even now, Dad makes us laugh as we imagine what he would be saying and doing during wedding week. I have no doubts he would love our soon-to-be bonus son. I sure wish Dad could be here, but he is living on through these children.
To wrap up this quiet moment I took to write in the midst of crazy busyness,
all is grace.
“The Lord is good; His mercy endureth to all generations. “