("I shall not be greatly moved.")
In the middle of my Homeward journey,
Though giant boulders set out to block my way,
"You'll never get past - I'm bigger than you,"
Are the threatening words I hear the enemy say.
For a moment or a day, I may cower
When the relentless enemy I face,
But then I wait on the Rock higher than I, hearing
"I'll bring you out of this holding place."
He's my Shield from the hurling darts,
My Covering in the torrential rain;
My Strength in my pitiful weakness,
My Healer in life's ongoing pain.
When I am stuck behind the boulder
I feel the time of my life is so wasted;
Yet, in the waiting, God is there with me,
I am unshaken, and His goodness is tasted.
"Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved." - Psalm 62:1-2
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