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Writer's pictureJeri Lynn

Household of Faith – Part 1

“It will not be wrong, but, on the contrary, most natural and proper, that your desire for the salvation of others should, first of all, rest upon your own families. If charity begins at home, so, assuredly, piety will. They have special claims upon us who gather around our table and our hearth. God has not reversed the laws of nature, but he has sanctified them by the rules of grace; it augurs nothing of selfishness that a man should first seek to have his own kindred saved. I will give nothing for your love for the wide world, if you have not a special love for your own household. The rule of Paul may, with a little variation, be applied here; we are to “do good unto all men, but specially unto such as be of the household of faith;” so are we to seek the good of all mankind, but specially of those who are of our own near kindred. Let Abraham’s prayer be for Ishmael, let Hannah pray for Samuel, let David plead for Solomon, let Andrew find first his brother Simon, and Eunice train her Timothy: they will be none the less large or prevalent in their pleadings for others, because they were mindful of those allied to them by ties of blood.” -Charles Spurgeon (From the sermon: “Household Salvation”)

“Let Hannah pray for Samuel.” Let ME pray for all my children individually. Each child from youngest to oldest is uniquely created with strengths and weaknesses. Until they are married, who else can pray most specifically for them? After children are grown, my prayers continue with fewer specifics as in childhood, but with a more intense need for trusting God as He works in them.

“Let Eunice train her Timothy.” Let ME train my children (and my future grandchildren if the Lord wills this blessing). Train them to read God’s Word and to love it because it is God’s Love Letter to every person. Train them to know God and His character in order to be like Him. Train them to be aware of His hand all through the day and to realize He is always with them in the night. Train them to listen to what God is telling them, not just ask Him for what they want. Train them to base decisions and actions on the principles throughout God’s Word, and especially, in Proverbs. Train them to do good to others. “Doing” grows out of the root of “being.”

Though I fail as a mother in praying specifically or training consistently, it is my heart’s desire to follow the example of Hannah, Lois, and Eunice. My household is my primary ministry. From here, my children can learn how do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” -Galatians 6:10

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