With a multitude of memories fresh,
My heart thoughts are overflowing -
Reflecting on the beautiful moments
My thankfulness to God keeps growing.
The pictures are tangible reminders
Of the times from many points of view,
Yet within my heart are realizations
Of grace that I never want to undo.
So slowly I’ll unwrap one picture at a time-
Worth a thousand words or more.
Love for many -family and friend-
Is nestled deep inside my heart’s door.
A lifetime of people placed in our paths
By my sovereign Shepherd so kind.
My family - my closest neighbors-
Through God’s love, our hearts bind.
Looking back in the rear view mirror,
God’s been with me in the long, hard miles.
Looking ahead, God’s promises remain
Even on bumpy roads. He loves; He smiles.
-jlw 3.21.23
Thank You, Sovereign Lord,
For my son,
For his beautiful wife,
For her family, for her friends,
For those who encouraged my son through all the years,
For a wedding ceremony of human love embodying the love of Christ,
For grandparents who have been deeply foundational and nourishing,
For churches who have partnered to send Gospel living to Africa,
For a son and new daughter- in - love establishing their own home... by studying God's Word,
For the peace of knowing they are happiest wherever God places them in this world.
~ jlw