Some Minutes in the Morning
Some minutes in the morning,
Ere the cares of life begin,
Ere the heart’s wide door is open
For the world to enter in.
Oh, then alone with Jesus,
In the silence of the morn,
In heavenly, sweet communion
Let your every day be born,
In the quietude that blesses,
With a prelude of repose,
Let your soul be soothed and softened
As the dew revives the rose.
Some minutes in the morning
Take your Bible in your hand,
And catch a glimpse of glory
From the peaceful promised land.
It will linger still before you
When you seek the busy mart,
And like flowers of hope will blossom
Into beauty in your heart.
The precious words like jewels
Will glisten all the day
With a rare refulgent glory
That will brighten all the way!
-Author Unknown
*Photo by Matthew Wilkerson, Jr.