Webster's 1828 Dictionary defines patriot as "A person who loves his country, and zealously supports and defends it and its interests." Today marks the 11th anniversary of the tragic September 11 attacks on our beloved United States of America. We remember the shock, the confusion, the loss, the pain. We remember the love, the help, the sacrifices made, the patriots.
The events of that day should be REMEMBERED, and the events of that day should bring us to ACTION. As I remember this day, I am pondering what actions I can begin or improve upon to help my country. Here are some of my considerations; I would like to add others.
Teach the history of America – founded on Biblical principles
Teach gratefulness to God for freedom
Recite The Pledge of Allegiance with my children
Stand and place my hand over my heart during The Pledge of Allegiance
Stand and place my hand over my heart during The Star-Spangled Banner
Stand in the presence of a military servant, and thank him/her
Fly the flag – Old Glory
Wear red, white and blue on appropriate occasions
Volunteer in my community
Serve in my local church
Vote in elections
Pray for our government leaders, military servants & public servants
Speak respectfully of those serving in positions of authority
I hope you enjoy this song/slideshow "It's Up to Me and You" that my friend Niki Lott put together for today. (You will need to stop the music player on the right.)