"January Red"
January Red,
January Blue,
Look at things lovely,
Think on things true.
A bright, cheery red,
A background of blue,
A new year of new mercies,
"Let this mind be in you."
The mind of Christ Jesus:
His Spirit within me renew.
January Red,
January Blue.
– Jeri Lynn Wilkerson
The New Year has begun. I need to make sure I'm listening to the Truth in all my thoughts. Knowing the character of God and developing the mind of Christ will help me -and you- live this new year, listening to His Truth. Do you ever struggle with thoughts of what a person said to you [or didn’t say to you] to the point that it paralyzes you from being the Christian God wants you to be? The thoughts we dwell on define our moments. Our moments are a gift from God. Only by His Spirit can we walk in Truth. Listed are a few Scripture verses to think on this January.
Philippians 2:5-8
Philippians 4:4-8
Ephesians 4:1-3, 23
II Corinthians 10:5
Psalm 42:11