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Teach Me

Dear Lord,

Teach me to love with love unfeigned

Teach me to keep my heart unstained.

Teach me to share the gifts You've given to me.

Teach me to meet someone's need;

Teach me to pray and intercede.

Teach me to be who You made me to be.

Teach me to smile in the storm,

Teach me to laugh in the norm;

Teach me to count my blessings every day

Teach me to joy in my trial;

Teach me to discern the worthwhile.

Teach me to shine -Your Spirit to display.

Teach me to serve best in my home;

Teach me to speak in gentle tone.

Teach me to plan with purpose, to prepare.

Teach me to read the Words You wrote;

Teach me to live Your Words I quote.

Teach me to touch lives placed within my care.

Teach me to follow You my Guide;

Teach me to trust what You decide.

Teach me to discern the right road to take.

Teach me to ask You for my needs,

Teach me to bow humbly on my knees;

Teach me to repent of sin to forsake.

Teach me to wear Your armor bold.

Teach me to tell the untold.

Teach me to bear the fruits of righteousness.

Teach me to hope only in You.

Teach me to fill my life with You.

Teach me to rest in Your loving faithfulness.

~Jeri Lynn Wilkerson

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